Flirting Parties (page 4 of 6)
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Party Flirting ... - pg 4 (next page)

Corey (right) and Megan (left) love to flirt with guys at dinner parties.  Usually Corey or Megan or one of their other friends in their extensive network, will host a party for the girls to get together and share recipes and gossip.  Boyfriends are welcome and they usually bring a buddy or two along.  It's an unspoken rule that "bringing single guys" is encouraged.

"Cooking is very sensuous for me," Corey said.  "At a dinner party, privately lick your finger after tasting the sauce, and show him you really enjoy it. This will have your man of interest running for a glass of ice water."

"I couldn't agree more," Megan added.   "You see, just chewing on your martini straw will send some serious flirting vibes.  Men have oral fixationas and if gives you a chance to show off your beautiful  teeth. I like the relaxed environment of the a dinner party, too.  I know most of the people and that makes me feel at home... Wait. I am at home," she laughed.

We can all learn about erotic cooking from Corey and Megan.  The number one rule is when you are at a party where there is food, pay careful attention to how you are eating it.  If you are wolfing it down like you're a starving pig, be sure that any potential flirts aren't watching.  They just might skip you as well as desert.  Eat delicately and in a refined manner and so will go your flirting. Really enjoy your food and they will enjoy watching you.



How can anyone ignore the flirting factor of a French Quarter style Mardi Gras party?  Kathy, Lynne and Mark from Baton Rouge, LA, don't. These wild affairs in the French Quarter offer some of the loosest flirting rules on earth.  Simply ask and most of the time you will receive. There is something liberating and mysterious about hiding behind masks and getting swept up in complete frivolity and chaos.

"It's almost too much," says Mark.  "Almost being the operative word."

Mark knows that Mardi Gras is one affair where the flirting ground rules are almost as if there aren't any.  Be careful, however, as you may get what you wish for.  Sometimes it's almost overwhelming - and then any and all flirting is lost as it gets swept up in the deluge of the swell. That said, it's hard to flirt with people who throw themselves at you. 


When Irish eyes are smiling, 'tis like the morning sun...  The same can be said for flirting and Sally from Pittsburgh, PA, knows full well what we mean.

"The annual St. Patrick's Day parade brings out a lot of the city's young single men and I never miss it with my friends."

Sally's right, don't despair if you're not Irish.  Sally isn't, and it doesn't stop her.  Holiday and ethnic celebrations are about fun and most ethnic groups in the U.S. welcome as many revelers that want to partake in their tradition. 


Holiday parties are the prime flirting environment desired by Chad from Tempe, Arizona.

"Hey, I love taking advantage of the Holiday cheer and spirit that time of year," he said.  "The key however, is to make sure you are at a fun party where there's music and dancing with people in your demographic. After that, let it snow.. Let it snow..."

Chad is proactive and gets his Christmas present early in the form of a charming young lady that has responded to his holiday flirting.  Don't think you can pull it off like Chad?  Mistletoe helps. 


Movie night at Dave's house in Peoria, Illinois, Is a great time for Dave and his single friends to get together.  They're allowed to invite whomever they want so long as they like movies (and flirting).

"The best thing about watching a movie with someone is that with the lights low and a good romantic movie on, it's hard not to get caught up in it.  Next thing you know, you have someone leaning on your shoulder while you are dipping into the popcorn bowl."

It doesn't take Orville Reddenbacher to see Dave gets every last kernel from his microwaveable flirting bag of tricks. The advice is: if you don't have friend that host these sorts of events, host one yourself.  Even consider viewing a popular show with the group, like "Survivor" and having "Survivor" themed parties. There a limitless possibilities to be creative.  


The ring leader of this gang of young Bostonians is front and center.  Larry hosts a weekly get together of all his pals at a favorite local bar, where they laugh, talk about movies and whatever else is ailing them.

"There's something to be said about regularly meeting up with your pals," he told  "When you create a party environment you create a relaxed group and that makes for great flirting."

We couldn't agree more.  If you want to start your own weekly rat pack hour, our suggestion is to pick a place with high and soft booth style seating arrangements.  They are very warm, cozy and will magnify your flirting considerably. * *

